Early-Mid-Life Inventory


Marta b&w apple orchard 2006


Early-Mid-Life Inventory for Marta Drew in her 43rd Year
(Wait … 44th year? If I’m 43, aren’t I in my 44th? I don’t know—shut up)


Math competency compared to first year of junior high:


Amount of life spent living in hometown:
approximately half


Current social status in said hometown:
Unapologetic Teardown Asshole


Garrison Keillor sightings within the last ten days:


Garrison Keillor sightings within the last ten years:


Number of Meyers-Briggs personality type indicator tests I have taken since my early 20s, legitimate and otherwise:


Meyers-Briggs personality type on every single one:
(I)ntroverted, i(N)tuitive, (F)eeling, (J)udging


Current self-improvement goal:
complete fundamental transformation into woman who remains gracious and benevolent even when absolutely everyone is being a dick


Progress towards this goal:
anywhere from 4-14 %, depending on how much sleep and ice cream I’ve had


Respect for 30-and-40-something women who really really want their children to be Cool Kids:


Favorite novel of all time, no matter what, after reading it at least seven times:
The Shipping News


Foods I will not eat, not ever ever, no matter how awkward it gets to refuse them:
tripe/liver/headcheese/haggis etc, bugs of any kind, anything slippery, tartare (raw beef with a raw egg? What kind of misanthrope dreamed THAT up?)


Primary vices:
judginess, hyper-sensitivity, meddling


Secondary vices:
excessive lecturing, negative thinking, intensity


Current investments:
local orthodontist’s office, summer camp, mittens, Legos


Number of cookbooks on my shelves devoted exclusively to the topic of baking bread:
at least 9


Last time I baked bread:
about a year ago


Primary sources of worry:
adolescent child’s fraught relationship with schoolwork, 2016 election circus, fate of Jon Snow


Careers I believe would be easier than being a Writer:
Supreme Court Judge, molecular biologist, NASA engineer, Governor of California


People I wish I were related to:
Chef Thomas Keller, Meryl Streep, Paul Simon, Mary Oliver, Annie Proulx


Temperature below which I feel forced to wear a winter coat:
20 degrees


Number of words written on Facebook between 2007 and 2015:


Feelings about that number:


Preferred breakfast:
mocha and a morning bun from Honey & Rye or birthday cake (anyone’s)


Exit plan if Donald Trump should be elected to American Presidency:
maybe London, maybe Montreal, maybe a remote town in Iceland


Number of seizures middle child has had since her surgery seven years ago:


Likelihood that she will have another one, according to experts at Mayo Clinic:
close to zero


Fear that every one of those experts is wrong:
less than five years ago, but still present in everyday life


Family member whose phone number has stayed the same for my entire life:


Most common astrological signs among my friends:
Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio


Fictional characters to whom I am overly and inappropriately attached:
Daenerys Targaryen, Elizabeth Bennet, Severus Snape, Lady Brienne of Tarth, Bridget Jones, Peggy Hill, Tyrion Lannister, Diane Chambers, Mr. Darcy


Willingness to participate in any school carnival for any reason ever:


Percentage of my children crying as we left the last one we attended:


Most firm beliefs:
God is real. Camp is good for kids even if they hate it. The worst mistake a woman can make is to dissolve into her family so completely that she forgets who she’s been trying to be all her life


Level of interest I have in anything the Kardashians do:


Pantry items I tend to overstock:
canned tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, honey, olive oil, vanilla beans, flour


Number of remaining grandparents:
1 (out of 4)


Number of remaining parents:
1 (out of 4)


Three things I love about my dad:
his devotion, his soulfulness, his willingness to consider any topic, no matter how esoteric


Three things I miss about my mom:
her musical voice, her gift for developing systems, her dauntlessness


Most efficient way to show me I matter to you:


Average quality of close friends:


Belief that despite the shit, life is still mostly beautiful, hopeful, meaningful, magical:
strong, strong, strong


6 thoughts on “Early-Mid-Life Inventory

  1. LOVE!!!!!

    Signed, Pisces in the house

    From: Yogis Anonymous – More Than Yoga Videos Reply-To: Gypsy Hausfrau Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 11:25 AM To: Emily Smith Subject: [New post] Early-Mid-Life Inventory

    WordPress.com Marta Drew posted: ” Early-Mid-Life Inventory for Marta Drew in her 43rd Year (Wait … 44th year? If I’m 43, aren’t I in my 44th? I don¹t know‹shut up) Math competency compared to first year of junior high: unchanged Amount of life spent living”


  2. So glad I’m a Taurus! Our relationship is blessed by the stars and bound to continue.

    Number of former teachers who think you are absolutely brilliant, indefatigably honest, incredibly articulate:

    at least one!

    love and admiration,

    Betsy >


  3. Do you know what I love about this beautiful and hilarious essay? It could have been formatted as a quiz, sent to me — and I would have probably gotten at LEAST a 90%.

    I vote Montreal. And I need vanilla beans.

    xx, M. (E/INFJ every single time)



  4. Thoroughly enjoyed this. I always imagine you baking bread. My illusion is shattered but I love you even more.


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